Pledges / Dues

CBINT Tzedakah Pledge Form

To help balance our operating budget (which covers clergy and staff salaries, programs, events, and facilities), please consider a pledge increase. Your support ensures our Kehillah can thrive. Thank you!

Please indicate your pledge in Section A or Section B or Section C:

Your suggested 2024-2025 pledge as shown on the pledge form mailed to you + $360

Minimum pledge is $1400

Or please consider a different increase amount.

Single adult households or households with multiple synagogue memberships have a minimum of $700. Households that do not maintain a Wisconsin residence are exempt from the minimum.
Price: $74.50
Price: $200.00

Please take a moment to confirm/update your best contact information:

After clicking the Submit button you will be automatically redirected to our Payments page.
Please pay the total shown below, according to your choices.