
CBINT Tu B’Shvat Seder and Learning – January 9, 2022

January 9, 2022    
All Day

What Trees Have to do With It: A Tu B’Shvat Take on Climate Justice

This year the climate crisis and racial divisions in our country have come dramatically to the fore. In a powerful coincidence, Tu B’Shvat and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day occur on the same day this year (January 17, 2022). Joining these two milestones on the calendar, CBINT will conduct two related programs: an in-person event for the Religious School and a virtual Seder and learning event for adults and teens. RSVP for the Seder to the CBINT office by January 3, 2022. Contact Dan Weber with questions at or 414-228-8847.

These programs are sponsored by the CBINT Social Action Committee and Green Team.