In this winter’s deep freeze CBINT will have its warmest weekend of the year!
Please join your CBINT family for a joyful retreat from February 10-February 12, 2023. The CBINT Shabbaton will take place at the Wisconsin Dells’ beautiful Perlstein Retreat Center. There we’ll experience Shabbat with delicious kosher food, inspired teaching, winter fun and uplifting prayer, while celebrating new and renewed friendships across our generations.
On Friday afternoon we will settle into our rooms in the Lodge. The program proper will begin with a community activity at 4:30, followed by candle lighting at 5:04. Kabbalat Shabbat begins at 5:00 with a delicious dinner to follow. A Shabbaton means sweet time together from start to finish:
We will publish a detailed schedule in the coming weeks.
The all-inclusive price per person is $120/adult, $90/child, with a household maximum of $360. We want as many congregants as possible to participate, so if you have concerns about the cost, please reach out to Rabbi Alter. We will also give attention to facilitating rides, especially for elders in order for this wonderful weekend to be as accessible as possible. The program will end after lunch on Sunday, early enough to enjoy some Wisconsin Dells fun before heading home.
Please make room in your calendar to be a part of CBINT’s first Shabbaton in a long while. A registration form is enclosed. Be in touch with us or Rabbi Alter if you have questions or concerns.
In enthusiastic anticipation of a wonderful Shabbat together,
Laurie Biskowitz and Moria Lehman, Shabbaton Committee Co-Chairs